Online Giving

Welcome to the online giving section of our website. 

If you are a visitor to this site/Community Bible Church, we want you to feel free to look around and learn more about our church; not to feel obligated to donate.  It is through the generous giving of our members and those who attend on a regular basis that our church body's needs and those of the ministries we support here and around the world are met.

"The world of the generous gets larger and larger."

Proverbs 11:24
  • Tithes and Offerings

    God's Word contains many references and examples of giving and generosity. In the Old Testament, God's people gave tithes (The word tithe literally means 10%) to support the temple and the priesthood and offerings giving beyond 10% which went for charitable work. We believe that everything we have comes from God, this is just giving back a portion of what God has given us to begin with. Although tithing is no longer a requirement in the New Testament, we believe it is a good example/starting place for those who desire to be Christ followers. Some people are gifted with the gift of generousity, and they dare to give even more than 10%! In Malachi 3:10 God says "Go ahead, I dare you. See if you can out-give me. So go ahead; test Him and experience God's generosity.
  • Additional Giving Opportunities

    In addition to the regular weekly/monthly giving of our people, sometimes we will present opportunities to give in support of additional ministry opportunities or special needs that arise within our Church family. These are intended to be giving in addition to regular giving. Examples of these include missions offering,
  • Why we use PayPal

    We have chosen to use PayPal to process our online donations based on the ease of use versus the cost of the service.  PayPal only charges us a 2.9% surcharge for each transaction with no monthly or annual fees. This is similar to what all credit and debit card processors charge. If you don't have a PayPal account you can either signup and create a PayPal account, or you can make a one-time payment using a credit or debit card.  If you use a PayPal account to donate, you can also set up a recurring donation that will happen automatically each month.  We appreciate your willingness to contribute to the support of our ministry.

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7


Clicking on the Donate button below will leave the CBC website and take you to PayPal to complete your transaction.

If you have any special instructions please click on the "Add special instructions" link and add a note to give those instructions.


By giving to God through Community Bible Church, you support the specific mission God has called us to. Likewise, giving puts us in a position to grow in dependence and gratitude to God and free ourselves from the life-stealing grasp of consumerism.