Hospitality falls under the “Ministry of Helps” mentioned in I Cor. 12:27-28. “Those who can help others”.
The very word, HOSPITALITY, literally means “developing the attitude of a servant.” The root word comes from two Greek words, “PHlLO” which is translated “loving” and “ZENOS” which is translated “strangers”. PHILOZENOS means “The love of strangers”. Notice, it did not translate “the love of your best friends”, rather “the love of total strangers”.
At Community Bible Church our Hospitality Ministry helps to form the first impressions visitors have when they visit our church. From seeing that they are greeted warmly and provided with a cup of coffee and/or a donut, to making sure their questions are answered and their kids are situated our Hospitality Ministry is the frontline for most visitors. However, Hospitality Ministry also serves a role in taking care of those who are a part of our body. From providing meals when families need them (i.e. when a family member is hospitalized), flowers and meals for funerals and flowers for weddings the Hospitality team insures everyone is welcome and cared for.
Entry Level Positions:
- Greeters
- Donuts and Coffee
- Meals for Homebound
- Flowers for Weddings and Funerals